How to Grow and Harvest Radishes: An Easy Guide

Figuring out how to grow radishes in a garden is simple; it’s one of the easiest veggies to grow!

Radishes are forgotten by gardeners too often. They don’t have as many uses as carrots or lettuce, yet radishes are a valuable crop you shouldn’t leave out of your garden. Growing radishes is incredibly easy!

The kids help to plant and harvest radishes throughout the growing season. I’m a huge fan of roasted radishes, and we even toss them in the air fryer for an easy side dish.

Here is what you need to know about how to grow radishes.

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When to Plant Radishes

Radishes are a cool-weather crop. Typically, you want to sow the seeds in your garden two to three weeks before the last frost date.

In Ohio, that is the last week of April. You can also plant radishes in the fall. Because they don’t mind cooler weather, radishes will grow right into early winter. You can get a lot out of one crop!

How to Grow Radishes in the Garden

Where to Plant Radishes in the Garden

Radishes need full sun or only partial shade. If they are getting too much sun during the summer, try putting a cover or a trellis nearby to cast some shade.

Soil Needed for Radishes

The soil should be loose and well-draining without any lumps or rocks. They will prevent the root from correctly developing, leaving you without a lovely radish.

Before planting, add some organic matter to the soil.

The soil should be loose and well-draining without any lumps or rocks. They will prevent the root from correctly developing, leaving you without a lovely radish.

How to Plant Radish Seeds

To plant, I make a line in the dirt stretching along where I want to put the seeds. It should be around ½ inch deep. Try to keep each radish one to three inches apart, depending on the final size; winter ones are larger! You can plant each row around six to ten inches apart.

Because we plant carrots with radishes, we alternate rows – radishes, carrots, radishes, carrots, etc. We do this because carrots take time to germinate and harvest. Radishes serve as a sort of place marker, and radish seeds sprout faster than other veggies.

Succession Planting and Radishes

We practice succession planting with our carrots and radishes. I always keep them together because radishes only require 20 to 70 days at maximum to come to harvest, depending on the type you select.

I always pick an earlier breed. This year, we planted De 18 Jours Radish that only requires 18 days to harvest. It did take a bit longer because our conditions weren’t perfect.

Can I Grow Radishes in Containers?

Yes, if you use a container that is deep enough. In fact, radishes are one of the best veggies to grow in containers and pots.

The container needs to be at least six inches deep. Having the correct depth ensures proper root formation. The shape of the container doesn’t matter: you can use round, rectangle, or whatever shape you want!


How to Harvest Radishes

Mark the date when you planted in google calendar, so you have a better idea when to check if they are ready to be picked.

Once your radishes start to pop out of the soil, harvesting is so simple, and even kids will want to help! Pull them up gently by the base of the greens. Sometimes, they can get stuck in the dirt. In those cases, use a shovel to gently dig around the radishes and left them out of the soil.

Properly Storing Radishes

Radishes won’t stay good forever. When you get them inside, cut off the greens and roots at the bottom. Wash them off with cold water. One of the best ways to store radishes is in a plastic baggie with a folded paper towel. Don’t dry them off before putting them in the bag.

Radishes can be canned if you pickle them. Another option is to ferment your radishes! Both of these make radish shelf-stable.

how to cook radishes and prepare a meal

How to Cook Radishes

So, you went through the trouble of growing radishes. Now let's see how to prepare them.

The most obvious way to eat radishes is in a salad. We dice them up with every salad throughout the spring. Most of the time, you barely notice the taste, but the crunch is a welcome texture in a salad. Plus, their color is remarkable.

Here are some other ways we like to use radishes.

Do you grow radishes? Or, do you have a favorite radish recipe? I love to try new ones, so share them with me!